Visit us or leave a message
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
10:00 - 22:00 h, according to the current schedule
Contact us
Via phone: Monday to Friday 10:00 - 17:00h
Via e-mail:
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Where can you find us
La Tropical Dance school
Petrská 23/1551
110 00 Prague 1
Tropical Plus s.r.o.
ID: 17272751
with registered office at Petrská 23/1551,110 00 Prague 1
registered in the Commercial Register kept at u the Municipal Court in Prague, sec. C insert 368567
Account No.: 7812738002/5500 Raiffeisenbank
La Tropical s.r.o.
ID: 07739001
with registered office at Petrská 23/1551,110 00 Prague 1
registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 306708
Account No.: 115-8490690257/0100 KB
How to reach us
Unique location in the centre of Prague on Petrské náměstí. Accessible by car, tram or bus..
MHD - Public transport
METRO - stops nearby
⚬ Florenc - 450 m - 6 min. walk
⚬ Náměstí Republiky - 650 m 8 min. walk
⚬ Masaryk Railway station - 500 m 6 min. walk
BUS - stops nearby:
⚬ Petrské náměstí - 150 m, 2. min. walk, No.194
⚬ Bílá labuť - 350 m - 4 min. walk, No. 194, 207, 908, 909
⚬ Florenc - 400 m - 5 min. walk, No. 135, 133
TRAM - stops nearby:
⚬ Těšnov - 180 m - 2 min. walk, No.14
⚬ Bílá Labuť - 350 m - 4 min. walk, No. 3, 8, 14, 24, 9
⚬ Florenc - 400m - 5 min. walk, No. 3, 8, 24, 92
⚬ Náměstí Republiky (Dlouhá třída) 600m - 7min. walk, No. 6, 8, 15, 26, 91, 94, 96
TRAIN - stops nearby:
⚬ Masarykovo nádraží - 650 m, 8 min. walk
⚬ Hlavní nádraží - 1,4 km
Parking is possible:
⚬ Blue and white zones in the area - preferably Stárkova street
⚬ OC Palladium (600 m, 8 min.)
⚬ Parking Těšnov (170 m, 2 min.)
⚬ Garage Florentinum (350 m, 5 min.)
⚬ Parking Saba nábřeží L. Svobody (270 m, 3 min. walk)
⚬ Parking in the white zone in Lannova Street(400m, 5 min. walk)
⚬ Nonstop parking Florenc, (550 m, 7 min. walk)
⚬ Millenium, V Celnici parking, (650 m, 9 min. walk)